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TeraForge Tutorial 1: Data Load Project

In this first tutorial, you will build a simple single script component project to load the tutorial database with race data.

The load script can be run via standalone BTEQ, or within TeraForge. Running within TeraForge makes for a simple, gentle introduction to TeraForge's capabilities, so we discuss that process.

A Tour of TeraForge

Before diving into building and running a project, a brief tour of the TeraForge IDE is in order.

The TeraForge IDE consists of 6 major widgets:

Building a Project

Start TeraForge. Select New->Project from the File menu. A Logon Dialog will be presented:

Enter your logon information:

Then click OK. Assuming the logon completes successfully, you will be presented with a New Project dialog like the following:

Since this is a simple project, we only need to add a single file. We'll be adding a BTEQ script as an executable heredoc shell script. This file already exists in the tutorial directory as "loadcapper.btq". To add it to your project, drag and drop from a Windows Explorer window into the New Project dialog:

  1. open a Windows Explorer window
  2. navigate to the TeraForge tutorial directory

  3. click and hold the left mouse button over the "loadcapper.btq" file icon
  4. while holding down the left mouse button, drag the icon over the New Project dialog
  5. release the mouse button

(In a subsequent tutorial, you'll learn how to drag and drop existing macros and procedures from the database into your project.)

The New Project dialog should look similar to this:

Select the loadcapper.btq filename entry by left-clicking on it, then click the Set Main button to make it the main component of your project.

We're now done with creating our project, so click OK. A File Save dialog is presented to save the newly created project as a TeraForge Project File. In the File name: entry, enter "loadcapper.tfg" (Note that TeraForge Project files use the ".tfg" suffix by default). Click OK to proceed.

At this point, TeraForge will load the BTEQ script into the Source Window. In addition, it will print some information in the Results Window:

Now we need to compile our script. Click the Project->Compile menu item. Note the compilation information in the lower Results Window. The Results Window acts as a console window to which error, warning, and informational messages are output while compiling, debugging, or running a project. It also acts as the output window for any result data that would be displayed by a BTEQ script.

Note that we used some shell variables in our script. During compilation, TeraForge will capture these shell variable references, and then ask you to provide definitions.

Double click on the "MYDATABASE=" entry. Yet another dialog is presented:

Enter the name of the database you want to use to store the autocapper tutorial data you'll be creating, and then click OK. The Define Shell Variables dialog is now updated with the value you assigned. Do the same for the "MYLOGON=" and "SRCDATA=" entries, adding the logonstring and the directory path where the races.txt and entries.txt tutorial data files are located. Below is an example of how the updated dialog should look after you've assigned both values:

Since we're done defining shell variables, click OK to continue.

At this point the compilation continues, substituting the newly defined shell variable values where needed. The compilation now completes without errors, but we do have warnings:

During compilation of scripts, TeraForge attempts to PREPARE each SQL statement in the script to validate it. In cases where a statement references a database object which does not yet exist, TeraForge flags the statement with a warning. TeraForge does not consider the missing object to be an error, as some preceding statement may have actually created the referenced object.

Also note the yellow highlighted line on the ".logon" statement. The yellow line indicates the current execution line; since we haven't started running the script yet, the current line is positioned on the first non-comment line in the script, namely, the logon statement.

Since the script has compiled free of errors, we can now run the script. While we could just click the Continue button from the button bar and let the script run to completion, this is a good opportunity to try out some of the debugging features of TeraForge.

First, let's set a breakpoint at line 180:

  1. Right-click in the Source Window to display the popup menu
  2. Selecting View->Goto Line... from the popup menu
  3. Enter the line number 180 in the dialog and click OK
  4. Right-click in the Source Window again to display the popup menu
  5. Click the Toggle Breakpt popup menu item.

Your display should look now look like this:

The statement is now highlighted in light red, indicating it has a breakpoint.

Now click Continue from the button bar. The script will proceed to execute each statement up to our breakpoint. However, since animation hasn't been enabled, there's no visual "feedback" indicating that the script is being executed, other than the information being printed in the Results Window, and the "graying" of the Source Window:

Click the Enable Animation button; you should now see the current statement indicator move through the Source Window as statements are executed, and the animation button changes to Disable Animation . (Note that the movement of the current statement indicator may not be obvious if a long running SQL statement is executing, or a single SQL is being executed repeatedly with import data).

Since we're loading our races table via a REPEAT operation, the execution may take 30 seconds or more to reach our breakpoint. Also note the status bar at the very bottom of the output window: as each statement executes, the status bar tells you when a statement is executing, and, upon completion, an updated execution time, and any current transaction state.

Eventually, TeraForge hits our breakpoint and stops execution. At this point, we can take a look at what happened in our database. Click and drag across the text "${MYDATABASE}.races" at line 131 to select it:

The selected text should now be highlighted. Now click the Inspect button from the buttonbar. A dialog is presented with a template query to be executed to retrieve the contents of the races table.

Notice the Query History list at the bottom of the Inspect dialog. Whenever a query is executed via the Inspect , Preview , Explain , or Execute buttons, and the query was not already in the Query History list, the resulting query is added to the Query History list (up to the last 20 queries). You can then execute the same query later by simply double-clicking on the query in the Query History.

Click OK. A spreadsheet will appear with the data we just loaded into the table:

Note the Next 1000 and Next Statement buttons, which are disabled. For queries returning large result sets, the spreadsheet only displays 1000 rows at a time, and clicking Next 1000 permits advancing to the next set of rows. Likewise for multistatement queries, clicking Next Statement permits advancing to the next statement in the request.

NOTE: Eventually the Save... button will permit saving query results in CSV, Excel, VARTEXT, or Teradata binary format.

Click OK to close the spreadsheet.

Since we're done with the Inspect dialog, click Dismiss to close it.

Now let's take a look at the current execution stack. The execution stack shows the hierarchy of various scripts, procedures, and macros (aka components) that are currently active in our execution hierarchy, or "call tree", as well as any local variables or input parameters of the components. Finally, the current activity count and errorcode values are maintained at the bottom of the stack as "global" values. Since we're using a standalone script, there's not much interesting to see, but click on the View Stack button anyway, and then click on the open/close indicator for the "Base" stack frame:

By opening the Base frame, you can inspect the global variables SQLCODE, SQLSTATE, ACTIVITY_COUNT, and ERRORLEVEL. You'll get a chance to do more stack manipulation later in the next tutorial.

Click OK to close the stack dialog.

Now try single stepping. Click Step Over on the button bar. Note that the highlighted current line has moved to the next statement in our script. You could also click Step Into to get the same effect. The difference ? Step Into would've taken you into the source of any component that a statement might have called (via .RUN, EXECUTE, or CALL), whereas Step Over will silently execute the called component without showing the source...unless a breakpoint is encountered within the called component.

Now try Step To. Scroll down the source to the ".quit" statement, click on it to move the insert cursor there, and then click the Step To button. Execution of the script continues, highlighting each statement along the way as it is executed, until it hits the line you indicated to Step To. Note: Since you're loading the tables with a few thousand rows, execution may take awhile to reach your Step To statement.

Click Continue. The script has now completed, and the tutorial database is loaded.

Now that you've got some data into your database, you can explore the the data you've loaded with the Schema Browser on the left side of the TeraForge display. Click the database node indicator for the database in which you've loaded the data. The node should open and present any database objects defined within the database, including

Click on the races table indicator to open it. The columns defined in the races table are displayed

Now hover your mouse over the various columns; you should see a small balloon displayed with the type information for the associated column:

Now doubleclick on the races table icon; a new readonly dialog appears with the DDL for the table:

You've now completed the introductory tutorial to using TeraForge to create, compile, debug, and execute a project. The next tutorial expands on this by showing how to create a project with new components, and adding a stored procedure.

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