=begin classdoc
 Subclasses <cpan>PPI::HTML</cpan> to add code folding for POD,
 comments, and 'use'/'require' statements. Optionally permits abbreviation
 of standard PPI::HTML class/token names with user specified
 replacements. For line number output, moves the line numbers
 from individual &lt;span&gt;'s to a single table column,
 with the source body in the 2nd column.
 Copyright&copy; 2007, Presicient Corp., USA
 All rights reserved.
 Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of the
 <a href='http://perldoc.perl.org/perlartistic.html'>Perl Artisitic License</a>.
 @author D. Arnold
 @since 2007-01-22
 @self    $self

=end classdoc

use PPI::HTML;
use base ('PPI::HTML');
use strict;
use warnings;

#    folddiv CSS

.folddiv {
    font-family: Courier New, Courier, mono;
    font-size: 8pt;
    font-style: normal;
    /* lineheight: 10pt; */
    border:solid 1px #666666;
    visibility: hidden;
    color: black;
    opacity: .9;
    filter: alpha(opacity=90);
    overflow : auto;
.bodypre {
    font-family: Courier New, Courier, mono;
    font-size: 9pt;
    line-height: 11pt;
    text-align: left;
    color:  black;
.lnpre {
    font-family: Courier New, Courier, mono;
    font-size: 9pt;
    line-height: 11pt;
    text-align: right;
    color: #666666;
.foldfill {
    font-family: Courier New, Courier, mono;
    font-size: 8pt;
    font-style: italic;
    line-height: 11pt;
    color: blue;
.foldbtn {
    font-family: Courier New, Courier, mono;
    font-size: 9pt;
    line-height: 11pt;
    color: blue;

function ppiHtmlCF(startlines, endlines) 
    this.startlines = startlines;
    this.endlines = endlines;
    this.foldstate = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < startlines.length; i++)
        this.foldstate[startlines[i]] = "closed";
// Clears the cookie
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.clearCookie = function()
    var now = new Date();
    var yesterday = new Date(now.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
    this.setCookie('', yesterday);
// Sets value in the cookie
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.setCookie = function(cookieValue, expires)
    document.cookie =
        'ppihtmlcf=' + escape(cookieValue) + ' ' + 
        + (expires ? '; expires=' + expires.toGMTString() : '')
        + ' path=' + location.pathname;
// Gets the cookie
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.getCookie = function() {
    var cookieValue = '';
    var posName = document.cookie.indexOf('ppihtmlcf=');
    if (posName != -1) {
        var posValue = posName + 'ppihtmlcf='.length;
        var endPos = document.cookie.indexOf(';', posValue);
        if (endPos != -1) cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(posValue, endPos));
        else cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(posValue));
    return (cookieValue);
// updates cookie with current set of unfolded section startlines as a string
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.updateCookie = function()
    var str = ':';
    for (var n = 0; n < this.startlines.length; n++) {
        line = this.startlines[n];
        if ((this.foldstate[line] != null) && (this.foldstate[line] == "open"))
            str += line + ':';
    if (str == ':')
// forces all folds to current cookie state
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.openFromCookie = function()
    var opened = this.getCookie();
    if (opened == '') {
     *  no cookie, create one w/ all folds closed
    else {
        for (var n = 0; n < this.startlines.length; n++) {
            line = this.startlines[n];
            if (this.foldstate[line] == null) 
                this.foldstate[line] = "closed";
            if (opened.indexOf(':' + line + ':') >= 0) {
                if (this.foldstate[line] == "closed")
                    this.accordian(line, this.endlines[n]);
            else {
                if (this.foldstate[line] == "open")
                    this.accordian(line, this.endlines[n]);
 *  renders line number and fold button margins
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.renderMargins = function(lastline)
    var start = 1;
    var lnmargin = '';
    var btnmargin = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < this.startlines.length; i++) {
        if (start != this.startlines[i]) {
            for (var j = start; j < this.startlines[i]; j++) {
                lnmargin += j + "\n";
                btnmargin += "\n";
        start = this.endlines[i] + 1;
        lnmargin += "<span id='lm" + this.startlines[i] + "' class='lnpre'>" + this.startlines[i] + "</span>\n";
        btnmargin += "<a id='ll" + this.startlines[i] + "' class='foldbtn' " + 
            "onclick=\"ppihtml.accordian(" + this.startlines[i] + "," + this.endlines[i] + ")\">&oplus;</a>\n";
    if (lastline > this.endlines[this.endlines.length - 1]) {
        for (var j = start; j <= lastline; j++) {
            lnmargin += "\n" + j;
            btnmargin += "\n";
    lnmargin += "\n";
    btnmargin += "\n";
    buttons = document.getElementById("btnmargin");
    lnno = document.getElementById("lnnomargin");
    if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1) {
        lnno.outerHTML = "<pre id='lnnomargin' class='lnpre'>" + lnmargin + "</pre>";
        buttons.outerHTML = "<pre id='btnmargin' class='lnpre'>" + btnmargin + "</pre>";
    else {
        lnno.innerHTML = lnmargin;
        buttons.innerHTML = btnmargin;
 *  Accordian function for folded code
 *  if clicked fold is closed
 *      replace contents of specified lineno margin span
 *          with complete lineno list
 *      replace contents of specified link span with end - start + 1 oplus's + linebreaks
 *      replace contents of insert span with contents of src_div
 *      foldstate = open
 *  else
 *      replace contents of specified lineno margin span with start lineno
 *      replace contents of specified link span with single oplus
 *      replace contents of specified insert span with "Folded lines start to end"
 *      foldstate = closed
 *  For fancier effect, use delay to add/remove a single line at a time, with
 *  delay millsecs between updates
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.accordian = function(startline, endline)
    if (document.getElementById) {
        if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1) {
            this.ie_accordian(startline, endline);
        else {
            this.ff_accordian(startline, endline);
 *  MSIE is a pile of sh*t, so we have to bend over
 *  backwards and completely rebuild the document elements
 *  Bright bunch of folks up there in Redmond...BTW this bug
 *  exists in IE 4 thru 7, despite people screaming for a solution
 *  for a decade. So MSFT is deaf as well as dumb
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.ie_accordian = function(startline, endline)
    src = document.getElementById("preft" + startline);
    foldbtn = document.getElementById('btnmargin');
    lineno = document.getElementById('lnnomargin');
    insert = document.getElementById("src" + startline);
    linenos = lineno.innerHTML;
    buttons = foldbtn.innerHTML;
    if ((this.foldstate[startline] == null) || (this.foldstate[startline] == "closed")) {
        lnr = "<span[^>]+>" + startline + "[\r\n]*</span>";
        lnre = new RegExp(lnr, "i");
        bnr = "id=ll" + startline + "[^<]+</a>";
        btnre = new RegExp(bnr, "i");
        lnfill = startline + "\n";
        btnfill = "&oplus;\n";
        for (i = startline + 1; i <= endline; i++) {
            lnfill += i + "\n";
            btnfill += "&oplus;\n";
        linenos = linenos.replace(lnre, "<span id='lm" + startline + "' class='lnpre'>" + lnfill + "</span>");
        buttons = buttons.replace(btnre, "id='ll" + startline + "' class='foldbtn' style='background-color: yellow' onclick=\"ppihtml.accordian(" + 
            startline + ", " + endline + ")\">" + btnfill + "</a>");
        foldbtn.outerHTML = "<pre id='btnmargin' class='lnpre'>" + buttons + "</pre>";
        lineno.outerHTML = "<pre id='lnnomargin' class='lnpre'>" + linenos + "</pre>";
        insert.outerHTML = "<span id='src" + startline + "'><pre class='bodypre'>" + src.innerHTML + "</pre></span>";
        this.foldstate[startline] = "open";
    else {
        lnr = "<span[^>]+>" + startline + "[\r\n][^<]*</span>";
        lnre = new RegExp(lnr, "i");
        bnr = "id=ll" + startline + "[^<]+</a>";
        btnre = new RegExp(bnr, "i");
        if (! linenos.match(lnre))
            alert("linenos no match");
        if (! buttons.match(btnre))
            alert("buttons no match");
        linenos = linenos.replace(lnre, "<span id='lm" + startline + "' class='lnpre'>" + startline + "\n</span>");
        buttons = buttons.replace(btnre, "id='ll" + startline + "' class='foldbtn' style='background-color: #E9E9E9' onclick=\"ppihtml.accordian(" +
            startline + ", " + endline + ")\">&oplus;\n</a>");
        foldbtn.outerHTML = "<pre id='btnmargin' class='lnpre'>" + buttons + "</pre>";
        lineno.outerHTML = "<pre id='lnnomargin' class='lnpre'>" + linenos + "</pre>";
        insert.outerHTML = "<span id='src" + startline + "'><pre class='foldfill'>Folded lines " + startline + " to " + endline + "</pre></span>";
        this.foldstate[startline] = "closed";
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.ff_accordian = function(startline, endline)
    src = document.getElementById("preft" + startline);
    foldbtn = document.getElementById("ll" + startline);
    lineno = document.getElementById("lm" + startline);
    insert = document.getElementById("src" + startline);
    if ((this.foldstate[startline] == null) || (this.foldstate[startline] == "closed")) {
        lnfill = startline + "\n";
        btnfill = "&oplus;\n";
        for (i = startline + 1; i <= endline; i++) {
            lnfill += (i < endline) ? i + "\n" : i;
            btnfill += (i < endline) ? "&oplus;\n" : "&oplus;";
        foldbtn.innerHTML = btnfill;
        lineno.innerHTML = lnfill;
        foldbtn.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
        insert.innerHTML = src.innerHTML;
        insert.className = "bodypre";
        this.foldstate[startline] = "open";
    else {
        foldbtn.innerHTML = "&oplus";
        foldbtn.style.backgroundColor = "#E9E9E9";
        lineno.innerHTML = startline;
        insert.innerHTML = "Folded lines " + startline + " to " + endline;
        insert.className = "foldfill";
        this.foldstate[startline] = "closed";
 *  open/close all folds
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.fold_all = function(foldstate)
    for (i = 0; i < this.startlines.length; i++) {
        line = this.startlines[i];
        if (this.foldstate[line] == null) 
            this.foldstate[line] = "closed";
        if (this.foldstate[line] != foldstate)
            this.accordian(line, this.endlines[i]);
ppiHtmlCF.prototype.add_fold = function(startline, endline)
    this.startlines[this.startlines.length] = startline;
    this.endlines[this.endlines.length] = endline;
    this.foldstate[this.foldstate.length] = "closed";

=begin classdoc
    Constructor. Uses PPI::HTML base constructor, then installs some
    additional members based on the <code>fold</code> argument.
 @optional colors hashref of <b>original</b> PPI::HTML classnames to color codes/names
 @optional css    a <cpan>CSS::Tiny</cpan> object containg additional stylsheet properties
 @optional fold   hashref of code folding properties; if not specified, a default
                  set of properties is applied. Folding properties include:
 <li>Abbreviate - hashref mapping full classnames to smaller classnames; useful
        to provide further output compression; default uses predefined mapping
 <li>Comments - if true, fold comments; default true
 <li>Expandable - if true, provide links to unfold lines in place; default false
 <li>Imports  - if true, fold 'use' and 'require' statements; default false
 <li>Javascript  - name of file to reference for the fold expansion javascript in the output HTML;
    default none, resulting in Javascript embedded in output HTML.<br>
    Note that the Javascript may be retrieved separately via the <code>fold_javascript()</code> method.
 <li>MinFoldLines - minimum number of consecutive foldable lines required before folding is applied;
            default is 4
 <li>POD - if true, fold POD line; default true
 <li>Stylesheet - name of file to reference for the CSS for abbreviated classnames and
            fold DIVs in the output HTML; default none,resulting in CSS embedded in output
    Note that the CSS may be retrieved separately via the <code>fold_css()</code> method.
 <li>Tabs - size of tabs; default 4
 @optional line_numbers if true, include line numbering in the output HTML
 @optional page   if true, wrap the output in a HTML &lt;head&gt; and &lt;body&gt;
       sections. <b>NOTE: CodeFolder forces this to true.
 @optional verbose   if true, spews various diagnostic info
 @return    a new PPI::HTML::CodeFolder object
=end classdoc
#    remove line numbering option since it greatly simplifies the spanning
#    scan later; we'll apply it after we're done

=begin classdoc
    Returns the Javascript used for fold expansion.
 @return    Javascript for fold expansion, as a string
=end classdoc

=begin classdoc
    Returns the CSS used for the abbreviated classes and fold DIVs.
 @return    CSS as a string
=end classdoc
<style type="text/css">
body {
    font-family: Courier New, Courier, mono;
    font-size: 10pt;
#   !!!fix for (yet another) Firefox bug: need a dummy class
#   at front of CSS or firefox ignores the first class...

=begin classdoc
    Generate folded HTML from source PPI document.
    Overrides base class <code>html()</code> to apply codefolding support.
@param $src    a <cpan>PPI::Document</cpan> object, OR the
                path to the source file, OR a scalarref of the
                actual source text.
@optional $outfile name of the output HTML file; If not specified for a filename $src, the
            default is "$src.html"; If not specified for either PPI::Document or text $src,
            defaults to an empty string.
 @return    on success, the folded HTML; undef on failure
 @returnlist    on success, the folded HTML and a hashref mapping packages to an arrayref of method names;
                undef on failure
=end classdoc
#   expand tabs as needed (we use 4 space tabs)
#   have to adjust some spans that confuse tab processing
#   scan for and replace tabs; adjust positions
#   of extracted tags as needed
#   split multiline comments into 2 spans: 1st line (in case its midline)
#   and the remainder; note that the prior substitution avoids
#   doing this to single line comments
# keep folded fragments here for later insertion
# as fold DIVs; key is starting line number,
# value is [ number of lines, text ]
#    count <br> tags, and looks for any of
#    comment, pod, or use/require keyword (depending on the options);
#    keeps track of start and end position of foldable segments
#   trim small folds;
#   since its used frequently, create a sorted list of the fold DIV lines;
#   isolate positions of folds and extract folded content
#    now remove the folded lines; we work from bottom to top since
#    we're changing the HTML as we go, which would invalidate the
#    positional elements we've kept. If fold expansion is enabled, we replace
#    w/ a hyperlink; otherwise we replace with a simple indication of the fold
#    now create the line number table (if requested)
#    NOTE: this is where having the breakable lines would be really
#    useful!!!
#   fix Firefox blank lines inside spans bug: add a single space to
#   all blank lines

=begin classdoc
Return current package/method cross reference.
@return    hashref of current package/method cross reference
=end classdoc

=begin classdoc
Write out a table of contents document for the current collection of
sources as a nested HTML list. The output filename is 'toc.html'.
The caller may optionally specify the order of packages in the menu.
@param $path directory to write TOC file
@optional Order arrayref of packages in the order in which they should appear in TOC; if a partial list,
                    any remaining packages will be appended to the TOC in alphabetical order
@return this object on success, undef on failure, with error message in $@
=end classdoc

=begin classdoc
Generate a table of contents document for the current collection of
sources as a nested HTML list. Caller may optionally specify
the order of packages in the menu.
@optional Order arrayref of packages in the order in which they should appear in TOC; if a partial list,
                    any remaining packages will be appended to the TOC in alphabetical order
@return the TOC document
=end classdoc

=begin classdoc
Write out a frame container document to hold the rendered source and TOC.
The file is written to "$path/index.html".
@param $path directory to write TOC file
@param $title Title string for resulting document
@optional $home the "home" document initially loaded into the main frame; default none
@return this object on success, undef on failure, with error message in $@
=end classdoc

=begin classdoc
Generate a frame container document to hold the rendered source and TOC.
@return the frame container document as a string
=end classdoc

#   now scan for foldables

Folded lines 1 to 27
package PPI::HTML::CodeFolder;
Folded lines 29 to 35
our $VERSION = '1.01';
our %classabvs = qw(
arrayindex ai
backtick bt
cast cs
comment ct
core co
data dt
double db
end en
heredoc hd
heredoc_content hc
heredoc_terminator ht
interpolate ip
keyword kw
label lb
line_number ln
literal ll
magic mg
match mt
number nm
operator op
pod pd
pragma pg
prototype pt
readline rl
regex re
regexp re
separator sp
single sg
structure st
substitute su
symbol sy
transliterate tl
word wo
words wd
#   fold section regular expressions
my %foldres = (
    Comments => [
    POD => [
    Heredocs => [
    Imports => [
Folded lines 109 to 112
our $ftcss = <<'EOFTCSS';
Folded lines 114 to 169
#    fold expansion javascript
our $ftjs = <<'EOFTJS';
Folded lines 175 to 440
Folded lines 442 to 484
sub new {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;
    my $fold = delete $args{fold};
    my $verb = delete $args{verbose};
Folded lines 490 to 493
    my $needs_ln = delete $args{line_numbers};
#   force page wrapping
    $args{page} = 1;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%args);
    return undef
        unless $self;
    $self->{_needs_ln} = $needs_ln;
    $self->{_verbose} = $verb;
    $self->{fold} = $fold ?
        { %$fold } :
        Abbreviate    => \%classabvs,
        Comments      => 1,
        Heredocs      => 0,
        Imports       => 0,
        Javascript    => undef,
        Expandable      => 0,
        MinFoldLines  => 4,
        POD           => 1,
        Stylesheet    => undef,
        Tabs          => 4,
    $self->{fold}{Abbreviate} = \%classabvs
        if $self->{fold}{Abbreviate} && (! (ref $self->{fold}{Abbreviate}));
    $self->{fold}{MinFoldLines} = 4
        unless $self->{fold}{MinFoldLines};
    $self->{fold}{Tabs} = 4
        unless $self->{fold}{Tabs};
#   keep a running package/method cross reference
    $self->{_pkgs} = {};
    return $self;
Folded lines 535 to 548
sub fold_javascript { return $ftjs; }
Folded lines 550 to 563
sub fold_css {
    my $self = shift;
    my $orig_colors = exists $self->{colors};
    my $css = $self->_css_html() || << 'EOCSS';
Folded lines 568 to 573
    my $ftc = $ftcss;
    if ($self->{colors}{line_number}) {
        my $lnc = $self->{colors}{line_number};
        $ftc=~s/(.lnpre\s+.+?color: )#888888;/$1$lnc;/gs;
    delete $self->{colors} unless $orig_colors;
Folded lines 584 to 587
    $css=~s/(<!--.*?\n)/$1\n\n.dummy_class_for_firefox { color: white; }\n/;
#    replace classes w/ abbreviations
    if ($self->{fold}{Abbreviate}) {
        my ($long, $abv);
        $css=~s/\.$long \{/.$abv {/s
            while (($long, $abv) = each %{$self->{fold}{Abbreviate}});
    return $css . $ftc;
Folded lines 599 to 622
sub html {
    my ($self, $src, $outfile) = @_;
    my $orig_colors = exists $self->{colors};
    my $html = $self->SUPER::html($src)
        or return undef;
    $outfile = (ref $src) ? '' : "$src.html"
        unless $outfile;
Folded lines 632 to 635
    my @lns = split /\n/, $html;
    my $tabsz = $self->{fold}{Tabs};
    foreach my $line (@lns) {
        next if $line=~s/^\s*$//;
        next unless $line=~tr/\t//;
        my $offs = 0;
        my $pad;
Folded lines 643 to 646
        pos($line) = 0;
        while ($line=~/\G.*?((<[^>]+>)|\t)/gc) {
            $offs += length($2),
                unless ($1 eq "\t");
            $pad = $tabsz - ($-[1] - $offs) % $tabsz;
            substr($line, $-[1], 1, ' ' x $pad);
            pos($line) = $-[1] + $pad - 1;
    $html = join("\n", @lns);
    delete $self->{colors} unless $orig_colors;
    my $opts = $self->{fold};
#    extract stylesheet and replace with abbreviated version
    my $style = $opts->{Stylesheet} ?
        "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='$opts->{Stylesheet}' />" :
    $style .= $opts->{Javascript} ?
        "\n<script type='text/javascript' src='$opts->{Javascript}'></script>\n" :
        "\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n$ftjs\n</script>\n"
        if $opts->{Expandable};
#   original html may have no style, so we've got to add OR replace
        unless ($html=~s|<style type="text/css">.+</style>|$style|s);
#   force spans to end before line endings
Folded lines 683 to 687
    $html=~s/(?!<br>\s+)(<span class=['"]comment['"]>[^<]+)<br>\n/$1<\/span><br>\n<span class="comment">/g;
Folded lines 689 to 693
    my %folddivs = ( 1 => [ 0, '', 0, 0 ]);
Folded lines 695 to 699
    my $lineno = 1;
    my $lastfold = 1;
#   now process remainder
    study $html;
    pos($html) = 0;
    my $startpos = $+[1];
#   map linebreak positions to line numbers
    my @lnmap = (0, $startpos);
    push @lnmap, $+[1]
        while ($html=~/\G.*?(<br>)/gcs);
#   now scan for foldables
    pos($html) = $startpos;
    my @folds = _extractFolds(\$html, $startpos, \@lnmap, $opts);
Folded lines 722 to 726
    my $ln = 0;
    my @ftsorted = ();
    foreach (@folds) {
        if ($_->[1] - $_->[0] + 1 >= $opts->{MinFoldLines}) {
            $folddivs{$_->[0]} = [ $_->[1], substr($html, $lnmap[$_->[0]], $lnmap[$_->[1] + 1] - $lnmap[$_->[0]]), 
                $lnmap[$_->[0]], $lnmap[$_->[1] + 1] ];
            push @ftsorted, $_->[0];
        elsif ($self->{_verbose}) {
            print "*** skipping section at line $_->[0]to $_->[1]\n";
            print substr($html, $lnmap[$_->[0]], $lnmap[$_->[1] + 1] - $lnmap[$_->[0]]), "\n";
Folded lines 740 to 745
    substr($html, $folddivs{$_}[2], $folddivs{$_}[3] - $folddivs{$_}[2],
        "<span id='src$_' class='foldfill'>Folded lines $_ to " . $folddivs{$_}[0] . "</span>\n")
        foreach (reverse @ftsorted);
#    abbreviate the default span classes for both the html and fold divs
    pos($html) = 0;
    my $abvs = $opts->{Abbreviate};
    if ($abvs) {
        $html=~s/(<span\s+class=['"])([^'"]+)(['"])/$1 . ($$abvs{$2} || $2) . $3/egs;
        if ($opts->{Expandable}) {
            $_->[1]=~s/(<span\s+class=['"])([^'"]+)(['"])/$1 . ($$abvs{$2} || $2) . $3/egs
                foreach (values %folddivs);
#    create and insert fold DIVs if requested
    my $expdivs = $opts->{Expandable} ? _addFoldDivs(\%folddivs, \@ftsorted) : '';
Folded lines 767 to 771
    _addLineNumTable(\$html, \@ftsorted, \%folddivs, \$expdivs, $#lnmap)
        if $self->{_needs_ln};
#   extract a package/method reference list, and add anchors for them
    $self->_extractXRef(\$html, $outfile);
#   report number of spans, for firefox performance report
    if ($self->{_verbose}) {
        my $spancnt = $html=~s/<\/span>/<\/span>/gs;
        print "\n***Total spans: $spancnt\n";
Folded lines 785 to 788
    $html=~s!\n\n!\n \n!gs;
    return $html;
Folded lines 793 to 805
sub getCrossReference { return $_[0]->{_pkgs}; }
Folded lines 807 to 825
sub writeTOC {
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = shift;
    $@ = "Can't open $path/toc.html: $!",
    return undef
        unless CORE::open(OUTF, ">$path/toc.html");
    print OUTF $self->getTOC(@_);
    close OUTF;
    return $self;
Folded lines 837 to 852
sub getTOC {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my @order = $args{Order} ? @{$args{Order}} : ();
    my $sources = $self->{_pkgs};
    my $path = $self->{_path};
    my $title = $self->{_title};
    my $base;
    my $doc =
<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
    my %ordered = ();
    $ordered{$_} = 1 foreach (@order);
    foreach (sort keys %$sources) {
        push @order, $_ unless exists $ordered{$_};
    foreach my $class (@order) {
#   due to input @order, we might get classes that don't exist
        next unless exists $sources->{$class};
        $base = $sources->{$class}{URL};
        $doc .=  "<li><a href='$base' target='mainframe'>$class</a>
        my $info = $sources->{$class}{Methods};
        $doc .=  "<li><a href='$info->{$_}' target='mainframe'>$_</a></li>\n"
            foreach (sort keys %$info);
        $doc .=  "</ul>\n</li>\n";
    $doc .=  "
<!-- INDEX END -->
    return $doc;
Folded lines 899 to 916
sub writeFrameContainer {
    my ($self, $path, $title, $home) = @_;
    $@ = "Can't open $path/index.html: $!",
    return undef
        unless open(OUTF, ">$path/index.html");
    print OUTF $self->getFrameContainer($title, $home);
    close OUTF;
    return $self;
Folded lines 927 to 937
sub getFrameContainer {
    my ($self, $title, $home) = @_;
    return $home ?
<frameset cols='15%,85%'>
<frame name='navbar' src='toc.html' scrolling=auto frameborder=0>
<frame name='mainframe' src='$home'>
" :
<frameset cols='15%,85%'>
<frame name='navbar' src='toc.html' scrolling=auto frameborder=0>
<frame name='mainframe'>
#   extract a package/method reference list, and add anchors for them
sub _extractXRef {
    my ($self, $html, $outfile) = @_;
    $self->{_pkgs} = {} unless exists $self->{_pkgs};
    my $pkgs = $self->{_pkgs};
    my $curpkg = 'main';
    my $pkglink;
    while ($$html=~/\G.*?(<span class=['"]kw['"]>)\s*(package|sub)\s*<\/span>\s*(<span class=['"][^'"]+['"]>\s*)?([\w:]+)/gcs) {
# " to keep Textpad formatting happy
        my $pkg = $4;
        my $next = pos($$html);
        my $insert = $-[1];
        if ($2 eq 'package') {
            $curpkg = $pkg;
            next if exists $pkgs->{$pkg} && $pkgs->{$pkg}{URL};   # only use 1st definition of package
            $pkglink = $pkg;
            $pkgs->{$pkg} = {
                URL => "$outfile#$pkg",
                Methods => {}
        else {
            if ($pkg=~/^(.+)::(\w+)$/) {
#   fully qualified name, check if we have a pkg entry for it
                $pkgs->{$1} = {
                    URL => '',
                    Methods => {}
                    unless exists $pkgs->{$1};
                $pkgs->{$1}{Methods}{$2} = "$outfile#$pkg";
                $pkglink = $pkg;
            else {
                $pkglink = "$curpkg\:\:$pkg";
                $pkgs->{$curpkg}{Methods}{$pkg} = "$outfile#$pkglink";
        $pkglink = "<a name='$pkglink'></a>";
        substr($$html, $insert, 0, $pkglink);
        $next += length($pkglink);
        pos($$html) = $next;
    return $html;
sub _extractFolds {
    my ($html, $startpos, $lnmap, $opts) = @_;
Folded lines 1008 to 1011
    pos($$html) = $startpos;
    my %folded = (
        Whitespace => [],
        Comments => [],
        POD => [],
        Heredocs => [],
        Imports => [],
    my $whitespace = [];
#   accumulate foldable sections, including leading/trailing whitespace
    push @{$folded{Whitespace}}, [ $-[1], $+[1] - 1 ]
        while ($$html=~/\G.*?<br>((?:\s*<br>)+)/gcs);
    _mergeSection(_cvtToLines($folded{Whitespace}, $lnmap));
    pos($$html) = $startpos;
    foreach (qw(Comments POD Heredocs Imports)) {
        next unless $opts->{$_};
#   capture anything at the very beginning
        my $fre = $foldres{$_}[0];
        push @{$folded{$_}}, [ $-[1], $+[1] - 1 ]
            if ($$html=~/$fre/gcs);
        $fre = $foldres{$_}[1];
        push @{$folded{$_}}, [ $-[1], $+[1] - 1 ]
            while ($$html=~/$fre/gcs);
        _mergeSection(_cvtToLines($folded{$_}, $lnmap));
        pos($$html) = $startpos;
#   now merge different sections
    my $last = 'Whitespace';
    foreach (qw(Imports POD Heredocs Comments)) {
        _mergeSections($folded{$_}, $folded{$last});
        $last = $_;
    return @{$folded{$last}};
sub _cvtToLines {
    my ($pos, $lnmap) = @_;
    my $ln = 1;
    foreach (@$pos) {
        $ln++ while ($ln <= $#$lnmap) && ($lnmap->[$ln] <= $_->[0]);
        $_->[0] = $ln - 1;
        $ln++ while ($ln <= $#$lnmap) && ($lnmap->[$ln] <= $_->[1]);
        $_->[1] = $ln - 1;
    return $pos;
sub _mergeSection {
    my $sect = shift;
    my @temp = shift @$sect;
    foreach (@$sect) {
        push(@temp, $_),
            unless ($temp[-1][1] + 1 >= $_->[0]);
#   if current surrounds new, the discard new
        $temp[-1][1] = $_->[1]
            if ($temp[-1][1] < $_->[1]);
    @$sect = @temp;
sub _mergeSections {
    my ($first, $second) = @_;
    @$first = @$second,
    return $first
        if ($#$first < 0);
    my @temp = ();
    push @temp, (($first->[0][0] < $second->[0][0]) ? shift @$first : shift @$second)
        while (@$first && @$second);
    push @temp, @$first if scalar @$first;
    push @temp, @$second if scalar @$second;
    @$first = @temp;
sub _addLineNumTable {
    my ($html, $ftsorted, $folddivs, $expdivs, $linecnt) = @_;
    $$html=~s/<pre>/<pre class='bodypre'>/;
    my $insert = $+[0];
#   generate JS declaration of fold sections
    my $startfolds = scalar @$ftsorted ?
        '[' . join(',', @$ftsorted) . " ],\n[" . join(',', map $folddivs->{$_}[0], @$ftsorted) . " ]" :
        "[], []";
    my $linenos = $$expdivs . "
<table border=0 width='100\%' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
    <td width=40 bgcolor='#E9E9E9' align=right valign=top>
    <pre id='lnnomargin' class='lnpre'>
<td width=8 bgcolor='#E9E9E9' align=right valign=top>
<pre id='btnmargin' class='lnpre'>
<td bgcolor='white' align=left valign=top>
    substr($$html, $insert, 0, $linenos);
    substr($$html, index($$html, '</body>'), 0, "
<script type='text/javascript'>
var ppihtml = new ppiHtmlCF($startfolds);
 *  all rendered, now selectively open from any existing cookie
    return 1;
sub _addFoldDivs {
    my ($folddivs, $ftsorted) = @_;
    foreach my $ft (values %$folddivs) {
#   squeeze out leading whitespace, but keep aligned
        my $shortws = 1000000;
        my @lns = split /\n/, $ft->[1];
#   expand tabs as needed (we use 4 space tabs)
        foreach (@lns) {
            next if s/^\s*$//;
            $shortws = 0, last
                unless /^(\s+)/;
            $shortws = length($1)
                if ($shortws > length($1))
        $ft->[1] = join("\n", map { $_ ? substr($_, $shortws) : ''; } @lns)
            if $shortws;
#   move whitespace inside any leading/trailing spans
        $ft->[1]=~s!^(\s+)(<span [^>]+>)!$2$1!s;
#   if ends on span, make sure its not creating newline
        $ft->[1]=~s!\n</span>$! </span>!s;
#   likewise if it doesn't end on a span
    return join('', map "\n<div id='ft$_' class='folddiv'><pre id='preft$_'>$folddivs->{$_}[1]</pre></div>", @$ftsorted);